The first presidential debate took place yesterday, December 1. Representatives from the campaigns of Anthony Armstrong, Hope Johnson, Samuel Buck and Bobby Gnocchi participated in answering questions and discussing relevant societal issues and promises of each candidate.
The debate featured many strong, and many weak, moments from the campaigns. Hope Johnson's representative, campaign manager Emma Jones, came out ahead after the debate. Jones answered questions and deftly cleared up accusations with poise. She refuted the rumors about Johnson’s supposed Communist beliefs and second family, calling them “foolish rumors” and confronting the misogynistic trope of successful females neglecting their families.
Along with Jones, a representative from the Armstrong campaign was also visibly composed and direct in expressing Amstrongs values. One particular moment from the debate demonstrated the civility and respect that the two democratic candidates carry themselves with. When asked how they plan on incentivising Americans to vote for their campaign, instead of talking about themselves — as the representative from Samuel Buck’s campaign did, saying they would utilize “election fraud” — yet spoke instead on increasing access to voting for those in low-income communities so every American is able to exercise their right to vote.
The representatives did not attack each other, but agreed on terms that are necessary to the liberty and freedom of the American people.
However, other representatives weren't so put-together. Bobby Gnocchis campaign enthusiastically advocates for “building positive relationships” with alien life-forms. When questioned with the simple premise of why Gnocchi is focused on the alien race rather than the pressing issues of the very-real humans at home, Gnocchis representative faltered, failing to answer and stumbling on his words. Finally, the representative was able to restate the motives of the plight to befriend aliens. He reinforced that Gnocchi “strongly believes the marcabs exist, and wants to make connections with them to eliminate the threat.”
The last candidate's representative, from the Samuel Buck campaign, didn't have a single educated or mature statement throughout the entire debate. He accused Gnocchi of immigrating illegally from Italy, subsequently denouncing any form of immigration (after which Gnocchis campaign firmly stated Gnocchi is an American-born citizen), advocated for the abolition of the fire department and asked “what is that” when questioned about climate change. The most stand-out of his comments, though, was during the conversation about the importance of the bible. Buck’s representative emphasized the necessity of teaching the bible in schools, to which Armstrongs representative stated that this is unconstitutional due to the separation of church and state. To this, Buck’s representative responded, “Then make a new amendment or something.”
This debate is very enlightening to the voters, depicting which candidates are most fit for the presidency and which are absolutely not. The questions asked by FOCS moderator Denorris Rigby continue to provide flawless insights into the campaigns and true looks at the candidates.